“Too Busy?” No Control Of Your Schedule or Important Person?

Ever ask someone to do something for you and when it’s time to collect, they disappear, or stop responding to your texts, get upset at you for reaching out to them on the agreed upon date – or used the dreaded line “I’m too busy”.

You probably started to feel bad because YOU put more on them than they could handle. But 9 ties out of 10, research shows that people become “too busy” when they are unorganized or can’t control their own schedule.

Most successful people in life don’t have to duck and dodge commitments they made. They have a very detailed system of scheduling and writing things down they agree to or have given their name to. If they see in advance they will not be able to make the commitment, you’ll notice these people will reach out to you, well before you reach out to them. Successful people always want their name to be associated with following through. ALWAYS.

This video breaks down why people with a lack of organizational skills are all over the place. They think that this hectic life makes them important, so what you asked of them (that they agreed to) is not important enough for them to actually complete or respectfully reach out to you about.

*This is part 1 of a 4 part series. As with all things, there are always exceptions. If this made you upset, that’s called convition.

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