How The Stock Market Works

Research shows that African Americans are the least likely, of all people, to be taught about the stock market. There are many reasons for this, but if financially the world revolves around the stock market, isn’t this something people of color show know about? Be involved in?

We think so. This quarter or Life development Series #NewSeason is designed around teaching people of color about money – things that are traditionally not taught or handed down from generation to generation, but exclude us from what the rest of the world knows is a key to understanding how money and finances work. Take a look at this video to learn exactly how the stock market works and how easy it is to understand.


As stated in the video, there are many ways to get involved with the stock market on any level. For this activity, consider investing $5. There are many resources and companies available that will manage this process for you, but we can only talk about the one we use, and have used over a period of time. We suggest beginners start with the Betterment app or website.


Still don’t understand how the stock market works and why it determines how the economy is doing? Click here.



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